5K Minute - Wednesday 29th January

Clyde 1
Author: Callum BellPublished 29th Jan 2020

Q. Volvo was founded in which European country?

A. Sweden

Q. Which alcohol is used to make a Daquiri?

A. Rum

Q. What is one fifth expressed as a percentage?

A. 20%

Q. In which American state are the Everglades?

A. Florida

Q. By what name is Sodium Chloride more commonly known as?

A. Salt

Q. In which century did Robert Burns live?

A. 18th Century (1759-1796)

Q. “And that’s all I have to say about that” was a famous line which appeared in which film?

A. Forrest Gump

Q. Tony Hawk was famous in which sport?

A. Skateboarding

Q. Which brand of shoes are best known for their red soles?

A. Christian Louboutin

Q. What does GPS stand for?

A. Global Positioning System