5K Minute - Wednesday 25th April

5k Minute
Published 25th Apr 2018

Q. In Tax, what does PAYE stand for?

A. Pay As You Earn

Q. Which UK city is home to the headquarters of the DVLA?

A. Swansea

Q. How many time zones are there in the mainland USA?

A. 4

Q. Who was the voice of Darth Vader in the original Star Wars films?

A. James Earl Jones

Q. On which day of the week are General Elections in the UK normally held?

A. Thursday

Q. Which letter represents the number 100 in Roman Numerals?

A. C

Q. To the nearest thousand feet, how tall is Ben Nevis?

A. 4000 (4,413)

Q. In the movie Notting Hill, what is the profession of Hugh Grant’s character?

A. Book Shop Owner

Q. Super-G & Super Combined are both events in which sport?

A. Skiing

Q. What was the name of the Shipbuilders in Clydebank that closed in 1986?

A. John Browns (Also accept Upper Clyde Shipbuilders)