5K Minute - Wednesday 23rd August

Published 22nd Aug 2017

Q. In what century did Alexander Graham Bell patent the telephone?

A. 19th Century (1876)

Q. New South Wales & Queensland are both states in which country?

A. Australia

Q. For which Spanish football team does Gareth Bale play for?

A. Real Madrid

Q. What is the highest mountain in the Alps?

A. Mount Blanc

Q. What was the name of Fred Flintstone’s wife?

A. Wilma

Q. Justin Welby holds which prominent religious position?

A. Archbishop of Canterbury

Q. How many Monday’s are left in this month?

A. 1

Q. What sport do the Cleveland Cavaliers play?

A. Basketball

Q. In what TV show would you find ‘The Stig’?

A. Top Gear

Q. A Snellen Chart is used to measure which body part?

A. Eyes