5K Minute - Wednesday 21st February

5k Minute
Published 21st Feb 2018

Q. Name both of the colours on the Flag of Canada?

A. Red & White

Q. Who was named the new Scotland football manager last week?

A. Alex McLeish

Q. Which fast food outlet this week closed more than half its stores after it ran out of Chicken?


Q. In which decade was the Pound decimalised in the UK?

A. 1970’s (1971)

Q. Who delivered the famous ‘I have a dream’ speech in 1963?

A. Martin Luther King

Q. On which part of your body would you wear Brogues?

A. Feet

Q. Who had his debut hit in 2009 with the song ‘One Time’?

A. Justin Bieber

Q. Spyke and Tyke were the dogs in which classic kids cartoon?

A. Tom and Jerry

Q. In Golf, what is the area that you typically use a putter on called?

A. The Green

Q. Sushi is a type of food originating in which country?

A. Japan

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