5K Minute - Wednesday 20th March

Clyde 1
Author: Callum BellPublished 20th Mar 2019

Q. Who do the Scotland Men’s football team play tomorrow in their Euro 2020 qualifier?

A. Kazahkstan

Q. Chin strap, goatee and soul patch are all type of what?

A. Beard / Facial hair

Q. Which country is the airline Loganair based in?

A. Scotland

Q. In wrestling, what does WWE stand for?

A. World Wrestling Entertainment

Q. What is quarter to 2 in the afternoon on a 24 hour clock?

A. 13:45

Q. What was the name of the original female singer in the Black Eyed Peas?

A. Fergie

Q. What river runs through Vienna, Budapest & Belgrade?

A. Danube

Q. In rugby union, what is it called when a player is sidelined for 10 minutes after a yellow card?

A. Sin Bin

Q. What nationality was the famous scientist Albert Einstein?

A. German

Q. What do all the numbers on a traditional dice add up to?

A. 21