5K Minute - Wednesday 18th April

5k Minute
Published 18th Apr 2018

Q. Who directed the film Ready Player One?

A. Steven Spielberg

Q. Which sport would you associate with Ken Buchanan & Jim Watt?

A. Boxing

Q. Before www. What is the 4 letter abbreviation that goes at the start of a web address?

A. HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)

Q. What is Superman’s real name?

A. Clark Kent / Kal- El

Q. Who is the highest ranked Men’s Golfer from the UK?

A. Justin Rose

Q. What name is given to the bottom number in a fraction?

A. Denominator

Q. In Chess, what is the alternative name for the castle?

A. Rook

Q. How many strings does a Ukelele have?

A. 4

Q. In which music would you hear the song “Food, Glorious Food”?

A. Oliver!

Q. What name is given to the group of animals that have no backbone?

A. Invertebrate