5K Minute - Wednesday 11th July

5K Minute WSD Clyde 1
Author: Callum BellPublished 11th Jul 2018

Q. “Taste the Rainbow” is a marketing slogan for which food product?

A. Skittles

Q. 1066 was the year of which famous battle?

A. Battle of Hastings / Hastings

Q. Who played Frodo Baggins in the Lord of the Rings films by Peter Jackson?

A. Elijah Wood

Q. Which artist headlined Glasgow Green last night?

A. Bruno Mars

Q. How many corners does a dice have?

A. 8

Q. In what year did the Bank of Scotland cease production on the £1 note?

A. 2001

Q. What was the BBC equivalent of teletext called?

A. Ceefax

Q. Which UK political party are represented by the colour red?

A. Labour

Q. Which actress has been married to Billy Bob Thornton & Brad Pitt?

A. Angelina Jolie

Q. The scales represent which sign of the zodiac?

A. Libra