5K Minute - Tuesday 9th May

Published 9th May 2017

Q. Emmanuel Macron was voted President of which country this week?

A. France

Q. The star Polaris is more commonly known by what name?

A. North Star (Or Pole Star)

Q. A ‘Hop, Skip & a Jump’ are the actions for which athletics event?

A. Triple Jump

Q. What does VE Day stand for?

A. Victory in Europe

Q. Christian Bale played which character in the film ‘The Dark Knight’?

A. Batman

Q. Emperor & King are both types of what animal?

A. Penguin

Q. Who had a number 1 hit in 2008 with the son ‘Now you’re gone’?

A. Basshunter

Q. Which sport do the San Antonio Spurs play?

A. Basketball

Q. Wireless Fidelity is normally shortened to what?

A. Wi-Fi

Q. What is German for ‘Thank You’?

A. Danke