5K Minute - Tuesday 6th February

5k Minute
Published 6th Feb 2018
Last updated 6th Feb 2018

Q. George Orwell is best known for which novel?

A. Nineteen Eighty-Four (Also accept Animal Farm)

Q. The Singer factory in Clydebank was famous for making what?

A. Sewing Machines

Q. Which team won the Superbowl on Sunday night?

A. Philadelphia Eagles

Q. In Spongebob Squarepants, which fruit does he live in under the sea?

A. Pineapple

Q. What is the currency used in Switzerland?

A. Swiss Francs

Q. The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the USA from which country?

A. France

Q. How many rings are on the Olympic flag?

A. 5

Q. Claire Foy plays Queen Elizabeth II in which Netflix original?

A. The Crown

Q. A Vixen is the name of a female what?

A. Fox

Q. Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin in which century?

A. 20th (1928)