5K Minute - Tuesday 4th September

Clyde 1 5K Minute WSD
Author: Callum BellPublished 4th Sep 2018

Q. ‘To be, or not to be: that is the question’ is a line from which Shakespeare book?

A. Hamlet

Q. What is the Capital City of Mexico?

A. Mexico City

Q. Pebble Beach & Augusta are both associated with which sport?

A. Golf

Q. What is the name of Peppa Pig’s younger brother?

A. George

Q. What colour signifies the Starboard side of a ship?

A. Green (Red is Port)

Q. In Banking, what does IMF stand for?

A. International Monetary Fund

Q. From which country does the food Kimchi come from?

A. Korea (North & South)

Q. Who is the lead singer of the Killers?

A. Brandon Flowers

Q. In Darts, what number does each play start with at the start of a Leg?

A. 501

Q. Who played Batman in the 1997 film Batman & Robin?

A. George Clooney