5K Minute - Tuesday 4th February

5k Minute
Author: Callum BellPublished 4th Feb 2020

Q. Anglesey is an island in which country in the UK?

A. Wales

Q. What is the 5th letter of the alphabet?

A. E

Q. Who played the lead character Chris Gardner in the film ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’?

A. Will Smith

Q. Who is the Patron Saint of Ireland?

A. St Patrick

Q. In Harry Potter, what is the name of the bank?

A. Gringotts

Q. What is 8 squared?

A. 64

Q. AB is the start of the postcode for which UK city?

A. Aberdeen

Q. Who is the current host of Mastermind?

A. John Humphrey’s

Q. Name either of the colours commonly used to chequer the squares on Battenberg cake.

A. Yellow / Pink

Q. The Paso Doble is a dance originating from which country?

A. Spain