5K Minute - Tuesday 3rd November

5k Minute
Author: Callum BellPublished 3rd Nov 2020

Q. What colour are most taxis in New York City?

A. Yellow

Q. What did Jack & Jill go up the hill to fetch?

A. A pail of water

Q. Which consonant comes last alphabetically?

A. Z

Q. Where on the body is the hippocampus?

A. Brain

Q. What do the letters FCUK stand for in the name of the designer clothes brand?

A. French Connection United Kingdom

Q. Anakin Skywalker grew up to become which major Star Wars character?

A. Darth Vader

Q. What was the first cereal ever released by Kellogs?

A. Corn Flakes

Q. James Bond is a spy for which agency?

A. MI6

Q. Which is the largest of the Channel Islands?

A. Jersey

Q. How many letters are in the word Fahrenheit?

A. 10