5K Minute - Tuesday 3rd July

5K Min WSD Clyde 1
Author: Callum BellPublished 3rd Jul 2018

Q. Kramer, George, Jerry & Elaine are all characters from which US Sitcom?

A. Seinfeld

Q. How many holes does a golf course traditionally have?

A. 18

Q. The company AMSTRAD was created by which UK businessman?

A. Lord Alan Sugar

Q. Name any of the noble gases

A. Argon / Xenon / Neon / Krypton / Radon / Helium / Oganesson

Q. 19, 21 and 25 are all albums by which female artist?

A. Adele

Q. Which country is hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup?

A. Qatar

Q. San Marino is a principality landlocked by which other country?

A. Italy

Q. What is the collective noun for a group of Zebras

A. Dazzle / Zeal

Q. Which scientist developed the theory of Gravity after being hit on the head by an apple?

A. Sir Isaac Newton

Q. Which social media app was purchased by Facebook for 1 Billion Dollars in 2012?

A. Instagram