5K Minute - Tuesday 31st October

Published 31st Oct 2017

Q. Today marks a day known as “All Saints Eve”, what is it more commonly known as?

A. Halloween

Q. What character did Miley Cyrus play in her Disney series from 2006-2011?

A. Hannah Montana

Q. Which driver won the F1 championship on Sunday?

A. Lewis Hamilton

Q. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked which war?

A. World War 1

Q. Montevideo is the Capital city of which South American country?

A. Uruguay

Q. Who was the first ever woman to win a Nobel Prize?

A. Marie Curie

Q. What colour is the letter ‘F’ on the Facebook logo?

A. White

Q. The BCG vaccination is protection against which disease?


Q. The Melbourne Cup is contested in which sport?

A. Horse Racing

Q. How many faces does a Cube have?

A. 6