5K Minute - Tuesday 30th January

5k Minute
Published 30th Jan 2018

Q. Three of a Kind & Flush are both terms used in which card game?

A. Poker

Q. ‘Here We Go Again’ is the sequel to which romantic musical film released later this year?

A. Mamma Mia!

Q. Which Rugby tournament kicks off on Saturday with Wales playing host to Scotland?

A. Six Nations

Q. What colour are the stars on the European Flag?

A. Yellow

Q. Who wrote the book ‘Moby Dick’?

A. Herman Melville

Q. Which song starts with the lyrics “Coming out of my cage, and I’ve been doing just fine”?

A. Mr Brightside - Killers

Q. During which decade was JFK President of the US?

A. 1960’s

Q. In Darts, which number is immediately to the right of number 20?

A. 1

Q. In mathematics, what is the name given to the distance from the centre of the circle to the edge?

A. Radius

Q. On what day of the week this week is the 1st February?

A. Thursday