5K Minute - Tuesday 23rd April

Clyde 1
Author: Callum BellPublished 23rd Apr 2019

Q. How many pennies make 5 pounds?

A. 500

Q. Bob Hoskins starred in which live action/ animation film from 1988 about a cartoon rabbit?

A. Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Q. What is the yellow part of an egg called?

A. Yolk

Q. Emperor, King and Chinstrap are all types of which animal?

A. Penguin

Q. How many members originally made up the Swedish House Mafia?

A. 3

Q. Which is the oldest university in Glasgow?

A. Glasgow University

Q. In which modern day country would you find Jerusalem?

A. Israel

Q. The British parliament building is on the banks of which London River?

A. Thames

Q. Which English city is associated with the production of Steel?

A. Sheffield

Q. In golf, an eagle signifies how many shots under par?

A. 2