5K Minute - Tuesday 20th March

5k Minute
Published 20th Mar 2018

Q. Temple Bar is an area in which City?

A. Dublin

Q. In which classic British Sitcom would you find the character Baldrick?

A. Blackadder

Q. Name either of the 2 locations where there are active Nuclear Power plants in Scotland.

A. Hunterston / Torness

Q. In Sport, when a team finishes bottom of the league, what is the term used for them moving down a league?

A. Relegation

Q. What is the 10th letter in the Alphabet?

A. J

Q. Speaker’s Corner is found in London at the corner of which park?

A. Hyde Park

Q. Who wrote Pride & Prejudice?

A. Jane Austen

Q. How many holes are in 1 round of Golf?

A. 18

Q. Which sign of the Zodiac is represented by a bull?

A. Taurus

Q. According to the Proverb, what do too many cooks do?

A. Spoil the Broth