5K Minute - Tuesday 1st December

5k Minute
Author: Callum BellPublished 1st Dec 2020

Q. BooBoo is the constant companion of which cartoon bear?

A. Yogi

Q. In which decade was Madonna born?

A. 1950s

Q. Which Spanish city hosted the 1992 Summer Olympic Games?

A. Barcelona

Q. Who played Dr Who immediately before David Tennant?

A. Christopher Ecclestone

Q. The Dong is the currency of which Southeast Asian country?

A. Vietnam

Q. Name any of the three highest peaks in Great Britain?

A. Ben Nevis // Ben Macdui // Braeriach (All in Scotland)

Q. What is the highest type of female voice in an opera?

A. Soprano

Q. A doe is the young of which animal?

A. Deer

Q. What’s Hermione’s surname in Harry Potter?

A. Granger

Q. The DeLorean is a car in which 80s movie trilogy?

A. Back To The Future