5k Minute - Tuesday 15th June

Clyde 1
Author: JOhn McinallyPublished 15th Jun 2021
Last updated 15th Jun 2021

Q. Who wrote the books ‘Charlie & The Chocolate Factory’ and ‘The Twits’?

A. Roald Dahl

Q. How many calories does a glass of water contain?

A. None

Q. Who is the CEO of Tesla?

A. Elon Musk

Q. What is 99-34?

A. 65

Q. A podiatrist treats which part of the body?

A. Feet

Q. King, blue and snow are all types of which crustacean?

A. Crab

Q. In which decade was Madonna born?

A. 1950s

Q. Which animal can be seen on the Porsche logo?

A. Horse

Q. Spell the word ‘sufficient’?

A. S U F F I C I E N T

Q. In which mountain range would you find Mount Everest?

A. Himalayas

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Clyde 1