5K Minute - Tuesday 12th December

Published 12th Dec 2017

Q. What is the name of the 8th Star Wars film released this week?

A. The Last Jedi

Q. Which City hosted the Olympics in 2004?

A. Athens

Q. A mountain in Scotland is called a Munro if it is over how many feet tall?

A. 3,000

Q. Complete this well-known saying “Hell hath no fury like…”

A. A Woman Scorned

Q. ‘Curiosity’ is a NASA rover currently on which planet?

A. Mars

Q. A text message is known as an SMS, what does that stand for?

A. Short Message Service

Q. Carrie Underwood & Jordan Sparks both won which talent contest?

A. American Idol

Q. What is the 2nd highest mountain in the world?

A. K2

Q. The what time is 6.25pm on a 24 hour clock?

A. 1825

Q. How many days will February have next year?

A. 28