5K Minute - Thursday 29th June

Published 29th Jun 2017

Q. The River Liffey flows through which European Capital City?

A. Dublin

Q. Susanna Reid & Piers Morgan host which breakfast TV show?

A. Good Morning Britain

Q. In which sport would you use a Sand Wedge & a Pitching Wedge?

A. Golf

Q. What is the collective noun for a group of fish?

A. School (Also accept Shoal)

Q. What is the national animal of Scotland?

A. Unicorn

Q. RSVP is an acronym derived from which language?

A. French (Répondez s'il vous plaît)

Q. Which American drama finished this week after 7 seasons?

A. Pretty Little Liars

Q. On which Loch is the Faslane naval base?

A. Gare Loch

Q. Which major cycling tour starts in Dusseldorf on Saturday?

A. Tour de France

Q. On which date is Hogmanay?

A. 31st December