5k Minute - Thursday 22nd June

Clyde 1
Author: JOhn McinallyPublished 22nd Jun 2023
Last updated 22nd Jun 2023
  1. Which member of JLS is married to Rochelle Humes?

A. Marvin

  1. Which Pixar film has just announced it will return for a 5th installment?

A. Toy story

  1. The Taxi Driver outing travels from Kelvin Way to which Ayrshire town?

A. Troon

  1. Who do Scotland play in their next Euro Qualifying match?

A. Cyprus

  1. How many members did the Backstreet Boys originally have?

A. 5

  1. Which country does Novak Djokavic come from?

A. Serbia

  1. What is measured in Fathoms?

A. Depth of Water

  1. Liam Hemsworth has replaced which actor as Geralt of Rivia in the Witcher?

A. Henry Cavill

  1. What was the number of the Apollo mission which landed the first men on the moon?

A. 11

  1. What is the name of the farm that Glastonbury takes place at?

A. Worthy Farm

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Clyde 1