5K Minute - Thursday 22nd June

Published 22nd Jun 2017

Q. What is the name of the highest waterfall in the World located in South America?

A. Angel Falls

Q. What drink would you be preparing if you were using a French Press?

A. Coffee

Q. What kind of flag do they wave as the winner crosses the finish line in F1?

A. Chequered Flag

Q. ‘Homecoming’ is the next instalment of which Marvel film series released next month?

A. Spiderman

Q. Which Italian City is famous for its Gondolas?

A. Venice

Q. How many strings does an acoustic guitar typically have?

A. 6

Q. What is another name for ‘Eggplant’?

A. Aubergine

Q. What is the name given to the traditional Spanish rice dish?

A. Paella

Q. On a Dartboard, what number lies immediately to the right of number 20?

A. 1

Q. What is the name given to mountains in Scotland over 3000 feet?

A. Munro