5K Minute - Thursday 1st March

5k Minute
Published 1st Mar 2018

Q. How many seasons are there in a year?

A. 4

Q. Dumgoyne Hill is on the edge of which range of hills in Scotland?

A. Campsie Fells

Q. In which century did the Kingdom of Scotland merge with the Kingdom of England under the Acts of Union?

A. 18th Century (1707)

Q. How many players are in a Netball team?

A. 7

Q. In transport, what does HGV stand for?

A. Heavy Goods Vehical

Q. What is a dried grape called?

A. A Raisin

Q. Who is the current manager of Kilmarnock?

A. Steve Clarke

Q. Name either host of the game show ‘Pointless’?

A. Alexander Armstrong / Richard Osman

Q. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin & Sammy Davis Jr were in a group known as what?

A. The Rat Pack

Q. What is P known as in the NATO phonetic alphabet?

A. Papa