5K Minute - Thursday 19th March

5k Minute
Author: Callum BellPublished 19th Mar 2020

Q. The song ‘Someone Like You’ features on which Adele album?

A. 21

Q. In what century was the first mechanical TV invented by John Logie Baird?

A. 20th (1926)

Q. Clark Kent and Lois Lane worked for which fictional newspaper?

A. The Daily Planet

Q. What will the date be eight days from now?

A. 27th March

Q. The Spanish word ‘Despacito’ means what – quickly or slowly?

A. Slowly

Q. Where on your body would you receive a pedicure?

A. Feet

Q. Which English football team are the current Champions League Title holders?

A. Liverpool

Q. In which county is the TV show ‘TOWIE’ set?

A. Essex

Q. What food can be oyster, chestnut or shitaki?

A. Mushroom

Q. Which is the biggest of the Channel Islands?

A. Jersey