5K Minute - Thursday 12th December

5k Minute
Author: Callum BellPublished 12th Dec 2019

Q. Autumn King & St Valery are both types of which vegetable?

A. Carrot

Q. “Double, double toil toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble” is a line from which Shakespeare play?

A. Macbeth

Q. Which organ produces Insulin in the body?

A. The Pancreas

Q. A Munro is a Scottish mountain above which height?

A. 3000 Feet

Q. What is the Capital City of Serbia?

A. Belgrade

Q. Mocha is a coffee usually flavoured with which substance?

A. Chocolate

Q. What is the name of William & Kate’s youngest child?

A. Prince Louis

Q. Other than white, what colour is it traditional for a bride to wear on her wedding day?

A. Blue

Q. In the US they call it Zucchini, what do we call it in the UK?

A. Courgette

Q. What shape is a standard ‘give way’ sign in the UK?

A. Triangle