5K Minute - Monday 5th March

5k Minute
Published 5th Mar 2018

Q. What was the nickname given to the Weather front that hit the UK last week?

A. The Beast from the East

Q. In US Currency, how many cent are in a Dime?

A. 10

Q. What does a dermatologist study?

A. Skin

Q. Which car company makes the Kuga & Galaxy?

A. Ford

Q. What is the name of the Scottish Football team that play in Kirkaldy?

A. Raith Rovers

Q. Spock is a character in which fictional series?

A. Star Trek

Q. In which part of your body would you find the Patella?

A. Knee

Q. Who was the first man in space?

A. Yuri Gagarin

Q. In the Film & TV show Flipper, what kind of animal was Flipper?

A. Dolphin

Q. The World Athletics Indoor Championships finished yesterday in which UK City?

A. Birmingham