5K Minute - Monday 21st August

Published 21st Aug 2017

Q. In which European City would you find Dam Square?

A. Amsterdam

Q. India Fisher is the narrator of which cooking TV show?

A. MasterChef

Q. Which team does Sebastian Vettel drive for in F1?

A. Ferrari

Q. Which social media channel limits its users to 140 characters per post?

A. Twitter

Q. What is 56 divided by 8?

A. 7

Q. What is the name of the currency they use in Canada?

A. Canadian Dollars

Q. In what part of your body would you find the metatarsal?

A. Foot

Q. What river did the Rotundas in Glasgow provide a link under?

A. Clyde

Q. How many points is the Blue worth in Snooker?

A. 5

Q. Who wrote the book “Moby Dick”?

A. Herman Melville