5K Minute - Monday 19th March

5k Minute
Published 19th Mar 2018

Q. Sophie Faldo is the latest winner of which TV competition?

A. Great British Bake Off

Q. Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in which mountain range?

A. The Alps

Q. Who is the World’s number 1 ranked Tennis player?

A. Roger Federer

Q. What is the name of the city where Batman lives?

A. Gotham

Q. Which canal connects the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean?

A. Panama Canal

Q. Which film released in 2009, is the highest grossing film of all time at the Box Office?

A. Avatar

Q. In what country would you find the state of Saskatchewan?

A. Canada

Q. What is Spanish for ‘Goodbye’?

A. Adios

Q. Which long running music TV show ended in 2006?

A. Top of the Pops

Q. What date is it a week from today?

A. 26th March