5K Minute - Monday 16th April

5k Minute
Published 16th Apr 2018

Q. ‘He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy’ is a line from which film?

A. The Life of Brian

Q. What was the name of the steamship which was the first to rescue the survivors of the Titanic?

A. Carpathia

Q. Which sport would you associate the terms Sweeping, Skip & Rock?

A. Curling

Q. In July 2003, which shoe company did Nike pay just over $300M to acquire?

A. Converse

Q. What is the collective noun for a group of Ants?

A. Army / Colony / Swarm / Nest

Q. Riga is the Capital City of which country?

A. Latvia

Q. How many possible combinations are there on a 4 digit lock?

A. 10,000 (including 0000)

Q. Dana White is the president of which sports organisation?


Q. What is 88 + 29?

A. 117

Q. What is the first letter of the Greek Alphabet?

A. Alpha