5k Minute - Monday 14th June

Clyde 1
Author: JOhn McinallyPublished 14th Jun 2021
Last updated 14th Jun 2021

Q. Which word is both a regimented walk and a month of the year?

A. March

Q. What hill range lies just North of Stirling?

A: The Ochils

Q. Which car company makes the Pathfinder, X-Trail and Leaf?

A. Nissan

Q. At which stadium do the Scotland Mens team take on the Czech Republic later?

A. Hampden

Q. The Springboks are the rugby union team from which country?

A. South Africa

Q. An octadecagon has how many sides?

A. 18

Q. What does the acronym ‘YOLO’ stand for?

A. You Only Live Once

Q. Which traditional dish from London’s east end involves chopped eels boiled in stock and left to cool?

A. Jellied Eels

Q. The Old Course can be found in which Scottish town?

A: St Andrews

Q. ‘Grazia’, ‘Heat’ and ‘Improve Your Coarse Fishing’ are all types of what?

A. Magazine

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Clyde 1