5K Minute - Friday 5th May

Published 5th May 2017

Q. Mount Everest sits on the border between China and which other country?

A. Nepal

Q. What is the name of the shrimp company that Forrest Gump starts in the movie?

A. Bubba Gump Shrimp Company

Q. Which team won the Ryder Cup at Gleneagles in 2014?

A. Europe

Q. Helium, Neon & Argon all belong to which group of elements on the Periodic Table?

A. Noble Gasses

Q. The Beaufort Scale is used to measure what?

A. Wind Speed

Q. Gandalf is a wizard in which book series?

A. Lord of the Rings (also accept The Hobbit etc)

Q. BT Cellnet became which current mobile network?

A. O2

Q. What is the official language of Brazil?

A. Portuguese

Q. How many goals do you need to score in a football match to get a ‘Hat-Trick’?

A. 3

Q. Bruce Wayne is the real name of which Superhero?

A. Batman