5k Minute - Friday 4th June

Clyde 1
Author: JOhn McinallyPublished 4th Jun 2021
Last updated 4th Jun 2021

Q. What is the capital city of Hungary?

A. Budapest

Q. Which cocktail is made by mixing Vodka, Kahlua and cream?

A. White Russian

Q. What nationality is the designer Tommy Hilfiger?

A. American

Q. Which actress played Gertie in the 1982 movie ‘ET’?

A. Drew Barrymore

Q. In which ocean is Hawaii located?

A. Pacific

Q. Where on your body is the gluteus maximus located?

A. Bottom (though technically the ‘main extensor muscle of the hip’ according to Wiki!)

Q. What is 20% of 40?

A. 8

Q. Which company’s subscription programme for streamed content and express delivery is called ‘Prime’?

A. Amazon

Q. On which continent would you find Siberia?

A. Asia

Q. Which chemical element has the symbol ‘Fe’?

A. Iron

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Clyde 1