5K Minute - Friday 3rd July

5k Minute
Author: Callum BellPublished 3rd Jul 2020

Q. Which British pop star did actress Ayda Field marry in 2010?

A. Robbie Williams

Q. If you put the months of the year in alphabetical order, which would be first?

A. April

Q. ‘Miniature Heroes’ are made by which confectionary company?

A. Cadburys

Q. ‘I didn't ask for a free ride, I only asked you to show me a real good time’ are lyrics from which song by Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande?

A. Rain On Me

Q. How many planets in the Solar System have rings?

A. Four (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter)

Q. Before adopting the Euro, which European country’s currency was the Peseta?

A. Spain

Q. Which female US pop star was the first person to get 100 Million followers on Twitter?

A. Katy Perry

Q. What’s the only stop on the Glasgow Subway to begin with the letter P?

A. Partick

Q. The De Lorean car was featured in which movie trilogy starring Michael J Fox?

A. Back To The Future

Q. What sport is Michael Jordan famous for playing?

A. Basketball