5K Minute - Friday 31st August

5K Min Clyde 1
Author: Callum BellPublished 31st Aug 2018

Q. Which car company makes the ‘Mustang’ & ‘Edge’ cars?

A. Ford

Q. LeBron James & Kobe Bryant are well known names in which sport?

A. Basketball

Q. Which 2001 Animated film has the tagline ‘The Greatest Fairytale never told’?

A. Shrek

Q. In Harry Potter, what assigns pupils to their houses?

A. Sorting Hat

Q. In which decade were the Olympics held in Berlin?

A. 1930’s

Q. Which building in Stirling stands on top of the hill Abbey Craig?

A. Wallace Monument

Q. What was the name of the Spanish Currency before the Euro?

A. Peseta

Q. Caleb, Nathan & Jared are 3 brothers in which band?

A. Kings of Leon

Q. What colour are the stars on the USA Flag?

A. White

Q. In Sports, what does MMA stand for?

A. Mixed Martial Arts