5K Minute - Friday 30th June

Published 30th Jun 2017

Q. What is the largest mammal in the world?

A. Blue Whale

Q. What is the name of the building that houses the American government?

A. The Capitol Building (Also accept the United States Capitol)

Q. In what sport would you have a Cox?

A. Rowing

Q. How many wheels does a Tricycle have?

A. 3

Q. Times New Roman and Calibri are both types of what?

A. Font

Q. Name any of the Bond films starring Pierce Brosnan.

A. Goldeneye / Tomorrow Never Dies / The World is not enough / Die another Day

Q. Madeira & Eccles are both types of what?

A. Cake

Q. Elaine C Smith played the character Mary Doll in which Scottish Comedy?

A. Rab C Nesbitt

Q. Southpaw is a stance in which sport?

A. Boxing / MMA

Q. In Celsius, what is the boiling point of water?

A. 100