5K Minute - Friday 2nd June

Published 2nd Jun 2017

Q. On which day next week are the polling stations open for the General Election?

A. Thursday

Q. What is the name of the Daytime TV show hosted on Channel 5 by Matthew Wright?

A. The Wright Stuff

Q. Michael Phelps is a 23 time Olympic Gold Medallist in which sport?

A. Swimming

Q. On which West of Scotland Island would you find Crocodile Rock?

A. Millport (Great Cumbrae)

Q. ‘Bouche’ is French for which part of your body? (PRON – BUSH)

A. Mouth

Q. Anchorage is a City found in which northerly US State?

A. Alaska

Q. In the UK, what does NHS stand for?

A. National Health Service

Q. .docx is a file format for which Microsoft Office Program?

A. Word

Q. Name either of the distances Mo Farah is World Champion at.

A. 5,000m or 10,000m

Q. What country does the Beer Stella Artois come from?

A. Belgium