5K Minute - Friday 26th May

Published 26th May 2017

Q. Iceman & Maverick were both characters in which 80s movie?

A. Top Gun

Q. Texas Hold ‘em is a variation on which card game?

A. Poker

Q. Adam Wiles is the real name of which DJ?

A. Calvin Harris

Q. The Gulf of California is a bay in which country?

A. Mexico

Q. Optometry is a branch of medicine that focusses on which part of the body?

A. Eyes

Q. Rioja, a region in Spain, is also the name of what kind of alcoholic drink?

A. Wine

Q. EA Sports Golf Game was named after which Golfer from 1998 – 2013?

A. Tiger Woods

Q. What is the name of the voting system used in the UK General Elections?

A. First Past the Post

Q. Which cartoon character had the catchphrases “Smarter than the average bear”?

A. Yogi Bear

Q. What is 4 x 40?

A. 160