5K Minute - Friday 25th May

WSD Clyde 1 5K Min
Author: Callum BellPublished 25th May 2018

Q. What was the name of the film released in 1997 featuring the Spice Girls?

A. Spice World

Q. What is the official name of the Squinty Bridge?

A. Clyde Arc

Q. Which planet in the Solar System is furthest from the Sun?

A. Neptune

Q. In which decade was Ronald Reagan President of the US?

A. 1980’s (1981 – 1989)

Q. What is the name of the Crime Family that the Godfather Films are based around?

A. Corleone

Q. Which West Coast Australian City shares the same name with a Scottish City?

A. Perth

Q. Which sport is traditionally played at The Oval?

A. Cricket

Q. A Toga was worn by which ancient civilisation?

A. Romans

Q. Which element is commonly used in thermometers?

A. Mercury

Q. The A4 & the Q7 are both cars made by which manufacturer?

A. Audi