5K Minute - Friday 24th November

Published 24th Nov 2017

Q. Which tech company manufactures the Mac?

A. Apple

Q. What is today known as in the retail industry?

A. Black Friday

Q. What sport can last up to 12 rounds?

A. Boxing

Q. Which French DJ has had hits with ‘When love takes over’ and ‘Titanium’?

A. David Guetta

Q. Lhasa Apso is a breed of which animal?

A. Dog

Q. What is the only city that is in 2 continents?

A. Istanbul

Q. What is the largest Loch in Scotland by Volume?

A. Loch Ness

Q. The Declaration of Arbroath was the Scottish Declaration of Independence in which century?

A. 14th

Q. How many players are in a Water Polo team?

A. 7

Q. Which letter represents 100 in roman numerals?

A. C