5K Minute - Friday 21st June

Clyde 1
Author: Callum BellPublished 21st Jun 2019

Q. What colour of lab coat do scientists traditionally wear?

A. White

Q. Brewdog is a beer company started just outside which Scottish city?

A. Aberdeen

Q. What is the lowest denomination of coin used in the UK?

A. 1p / a penny

Q. Traditionally, what does a bride throw to the female crowd on her wedding day?

A. Bouquet / Flowers

Q. In what decade did the Armadillo auditorium open in Glasgow?

A. 2000s (1st Jan 2000)

Q. Name any of the three sports contested in a triathlon

A. Running / Swimming / Cycling

Q. Ivan Drago is a character from which boxing movie franchise?

A. Rocky

Q. Lagavulin & Bruichladdich PRON: Brew-ich-lad-ich are whiskies made on which Scottish island?

A. Islay

Q. What were Russian emperors known as until 1917?

A. Tsar

Q. What is the most popular language spoken in Belgium?

A. Dutch / Flemish