5k Minute - Friday 18th June

Clyde 1
Author: JOhn McinallyPublished 18th Jun 2021

Q. In the UK, do we go round a roundabout clockwise or anti-clockwise?

A. Clockwise

Q. What’s the name of the main river that flows through Newcastle?

A. Tyne

Q. In which sport would you score six runs for hitting the ball over the boundary?

A. Cricket

Q. Doha is the capital of which Middle Eastern country?

A. Qatar

Q. What is the world’s most traded cryptocurrency?

A. Bitcoin

Q. What is the abbreviated name for the Pedestrian Light Controlled Crossing?

A. Pelican Crossing

Q. In which year did the 5p bag charge come into force in Scotland?

A. 2014

Q. The dollar sign appears above which number on a UK computer keyboard?

A. 4

Q. ‘A Whole New World’ is a song in which Disney film?

A. Aladdin

Q. Which electronic component is designed to restrict the amount of current flowing through a circuit?

A. Resistor

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Clyde 1