5K Minute - Friday 15th June

5k Minute
Published 15th Jun 2018

Q. The 2026 World Cup was won by a joint bid between USA, Canada & which other country?

A. Mexico

Q. What is the occupation of video game characters, Mario and Luigi?

A. Plumbers

Q. In which century was Guy Fawkes failed gunpowder plot?

A. 17th century (1605)

Q. Decibels are a unit of measurement for what?

A. Sound

Q. Who played a young Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade film?

A. River Phoenix

Q. The Cuillin PRON: COO-LIN is a mountain range found on which Scottish island?

A. Skye

Q. Which rugby team play their home games at Scotsoun stadium?

A. Glasgow Warriors

Q. What day of the week is the 30th of June?

A. Saturday

Q. What is the name of the galaxy that contains our solar system?

A. Milky Way

Q. Which Scottish actor plays Detective Sergeant Steve Arnott in crime drama, Line of Duty?

A. Martin Compston