Happy birthday Zayn Malik! We celebrate his amazing hair evolution

From fluffy and bouffant to the iconic quiff, he's really done it all!

Published 12th Jan 2018
Last updated 12th Jan 2018

Who switches it up better than Zayn Malik? Today (Jan 12) is the singer's 25th birthday and we had to show hair-preciation for the former One Direction man!

Check out his hair evolution below:

October 2010: Fluffy and bouffant

November 2010: Well he was following the crowd..

March 2011: Fast forward four months and Zayn's far more styled

October 2011: We have NO idea what's going on now

February 2012: Luckily a hair-stylist took pity and got his barnet back under control. Also: FACIAL HAIR ALERT.

April 2012: Zayn's trademark quiff is back and the stubble is growing nicely

September 2012: Oo-er, Zayn's dipped his quiff in bleach

November 2012: Zayn's come over all Cruella

November 2012: We think it may be growing on us...

February 2013: PHEW - Zayn's lost his bleached streak. We bet his mum had a word over Christmas.

April 2013: The quiff is higher and the five o'clock shadow is back - hello SEXY Zayn

August 2013: Zayn's lopped it all off, bar his little beard

November 2013: The quiff is BACK and the beard is better than ever

May 2014: A bushier style for spring...

July 2014: Zayn lets his quiff down for the night

September 2014: Zayn's trying out a Harry Styles side-swept-style

October 2014: Zayn tries out the braided, pulled back look

January 2015: Zayn tries the subtle Man Bun.

June 2015: Zayn decided to have some fun and go green.

June 2015: Then blonde...

September 2016: Back to black, an all time fave.

September 2017: After years of experimenting, he opted for a bald!

November 2017: Zayn ended the year with a full head of hair.