Professor Green reveals how bad his stay in hospital really was

That looks bad!😷

Professor Green
Published 26th Apr 2017

Professor Green has been in hospital recently so he has taken to Instagram to reveal exactly how serious it really was.

The singer, real name Stephen Manderson, had been in hospital for a hernia, however he suffered complications from the routine operation and found himself back in hospital just five and a half hours after he was discharged.

A week later and the rapper has revealed on Instagram,

'Right I'm on the mend. Turns out I'm only the second person in the world to have an allergic reaction to the mesh used to fix my hernia.

'I came back to hospital with pnuemonia, a partially collapsed lung, distension, fluid build up and ileus (my guts had shut down). I'm getting better. Everything is starting to work again, all my bloods are looking better and I finally got some sleep last night.'sic

He then posted a collection of photos, some of them quiet graphic.


In his most recent photo, posted less than a day ago, he revealed he is on a liquid diet while his guts get back to normal, but he can't wait for a Nandos!

While he was in hospital the rapper and singer thanked his girlfriend Fae Williams for helping him get through the tough time saying, 'The respect I have for this lady is unparalleled.'

While he isn't going to be out just yet he is definitely on the road to recovery.

Get well soon Pro!