Nicholas Hoult on 90's Fashion, First CD's and Awkward Auditions

His new film 'Kill Your Friends' sees him play a slightly crazy Record Label Executive.

Published 4th Nov 2015

Nicholas Hoult reckons the first album he ever bought was one of the NOW compilations, and we reckon most 90's kids would probably have the same answer.

His latest film Kill Your Friends is set in the 1997 - when he would have been just 8 years old. Based on the book of the same name it tells the story of Steven Stelfox, a successful A&R (they're the people that discover new talent) who's route to the top keeps getting blocked by other people. So he decides to take drastic measures to make sure he'll be the one to succeed.

Lydia from our Entertainment Hub caught up with Nichloas to talk about getting in the mindset of a killer, how far he's gone for job and what fashion mistakes he made in the 90's (some of the outfits in the film will bring back memories for people)!