Little Mix are In:Demand

The girls talk Christmas, Little Me and we make them compete against each other in a presents wrap battle

Published 20th Dec 2013

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The girls talk Christmas and compete in our wrap battle

Talking about the girls' plans for the festive season, Jesy said, "We're all just going to be with our families over Christmas. We've got a lovely three weeks off, so we're all just going to pig out and watch the soaps!"

Little Mix will be getting underway with their first ever arena tour in 2014 and the plans are already in the making, "We've already talked about how we want to come on for our first performance.

"We've got all these ideas, people don't know how to take it because we're right in their face. Expect the works!"

Talking about their new single, Little Me, the Jesy said, "We wrote this song for our fans and just for anyone that isn't confident in themselves and that doesn't have that much belief in themselves. We wrote it because we want people to listen to our music and if they're having a crappy day, then if they listen to our music and it makes them feel good then we've done our job."

Click play to listen to the other highlights from the interview and watch the girls compete in our Christmas presents wrap battle.