Kanye West Moans About Airports in Disastrous TV Pilot - WATCH

Filmed two years before he met Kim Kardashian

Published 16th Jul 2014

Footage of a failed reality TV pilot featuring Kanye West has been unearthed by TMZ.

Filmed in 2010, two years before Kanye made his debut in Keeping Up with the Kardashians with future wife Kim, the show follows "ultimate travel agent to the stars" Brett Goetsch and his A-Lister clientele.

The dire pilot is only livened up by Kanye’s appearance one minute in when he goes on a trademark self-indulgent rant about his travels in European airports.

The rapper bemoans: “I gotta take a two hour flight to Frankfurt and then Frankfurt to LA. But I was like ‘I coulda just took a two hour drive to London and a straight shot to LA and got their earlier.”

Wow, intriguing stuff!

He then complains: "People like to say really stupid things to me (in airports). OK, that's completely politically incorrect."

Then he sarcastically adds:” "No, I really like being in airports. I like people walking up to me and saying s*** like, 'Are you Kanye West?' 'Yes.' 'Quit lying!' And the whole time I'm on the phone."

Our heart bleeds.

Unsurprisingly the untitled show didn’t even get past the pilot stage and never aired Stateside.