10 times Taylor Swift proved she was awesome in 2015

Let’s see what she’s done this year to be the most awesome person alive.

Published 21st Dec 2015

Ms Swift can do no wrong in our eyes. She is a treasure, how many times have you sent your favourite colleagues to Australia for a free holiday?

Let’s see what she’s done this year:

1. Her amazing generosity

Taylor loved Seattle Symphony’s recording of ‘Become Ocean’ so much she gave then $50,000! Nope, we hadn’t heard of them before either.

2. She loves her fans

Taylor loves her ‘Swifteys’ so much she actually opens their gifts and even wears them. So cute!

And, to top it all off - they hugged when he finished his acceptance speech! Awww.

5. She is the best BFF EVER!

So your best friend has a favourite band, so you arrange for them to come and sing for their birthday? Well that’s what you do when you are Taylor Swift! Problem is - if you are Abigail - what on earth do you then get Taylor for her birthday?

7. She has a passion for new music and isn’t afraid to show it

Imagine you're the most successful female pop star and you have zero time on your hands. Taylor took the time to listen to new music and shared the best with her 59 million Instagram followers.

9. She is the most perfect manager

You have an entourage of 125 to make sure your world tour goes off with a bang! Take them out for dinner, maybe an Amazon gift voucher? Nope , not Taylor, she takes them all on an all-expenses paid holiday to Australia!

10. She surprises fans at Christmas

The most recent evidence of Taylor showing her awesomeness came at Christmas 2015 when she surprised a 13-year-old super fan that was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at the age of seven.

After a #TaylorMeetDelaney campaign was made, Delaney’s wish came true when Taylor surprised the family by turning up unannounced. How lovely is that.

That's why Taylor Swift is one of the most generous superstars ever.