Monday's Fantastic 5K Minute

Is there a better way to brighten up your cold Monday morning than winning £5000?

Published 8th Feb 2016
Last updated 18th Jan 2017

Mark from Hillington was on question 10 and having aced the first nine with ease, was the tenth going to stump him?

He did leave us hanging for a couple of very tense seconds but in the end, bagged himself a whopping £5000!

Here are the questions;

Q. The X Box is a games console manufactured by which company?

Q. What is the most northerly American State?

Q. Which side won the Calcutta Cup on Saturday?

Q. Which Apollo mission was the first to land on the moon?

Q. Which Supermodel was married to the Singer ‘Seal’?

Q. Arabica & Robusta are both types of beans used to make what?

Q. In which sport would you compete for the America’s Cup?

Q. Nitshill & Fenwick are both junctions of which Motorway?

Q. ESC is an abbreviation for which word on a standard Keyboard?

Q. In which TV soap would you find the Sugden Family?

Have a go! Can you do as well as Mark did?

Remember, you also have a chance to win £5000. Just listen to Bowie@Breakfast each morning for your chance to take part.